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Re: Change suspend type from kde menu

On 11/01/2024 21:10, Valerio Vanni wrote:
There is a .Quit, but for this I already have "kill" command and I have
to start it again.

Applications might handle D-Bus messages more gracefully than SIGINT or SIGTERM signals. However in the case of kaffeine it is unlikely that some data may be lost.

valerio@newton:~$ busctl --user introspect org.mpris.kaffeine /

I assume that "org/mpris/MediaPlayer2" after "/" was lost during copy&paste.

org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer         interface -         -            -
.Identity                           method    -         s            -
.MprisVersion                       method    -         (qq)         -
.Quit                               method    -         -            -

Looks quite useless. Does ".Stop" appear when kaffeine is playing some channel?

lsof | grep /dev/dvb shows

  10315 ?        S      0:00 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kioslave5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/kf5/kio/tags.so tags local:/run/user/1000/kaffeinerCGcGi.1.kioworker.socket

So it is baloo (former nepomuk) search framework. A crazy idea is to add /dev to the list of directories that should not be indexed. I would try to disable baloo completely to see if behavior in respect to rmmmod changes.

I am surprised that it dies immediately if you kill kaffeine.

Actually I run out of ideas. It seems you have a working solution and further polishing is optional.

On 10/01/2024 01:32, Valerio Vanni wrote:
So systemd-run should talk to the systemd --user instance. I have tried to set

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" BUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus"

in setpriv ... env, but systemd requires authentication.

I don't see authentication requests, but it still stays under system.slice.

By mistake, I tried something like (missed --user)

setpriv --reuid 1000 --regid 1000 --init-groups --reset-env -- \
   env XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" \
   systemd-run --slice=app.slice -- \

and I wrongly decided that systemd *user* session rejects D-Bus messages basing on some process attributes, e.g. looking into /proc/PID/sessionid (set by pam_loginuid) and comparing it with logind state (loginctl list-sessions). The user is not added to any groups with higher privileges. Fortunately proper command works and no tricks are required besides setting the path where D-Bus socket should be found.

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