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visudo, /etc/sudo.conf, probe_interfaces

mike@RPI4b3:~> uname -a
Linux MikesPI 6.1.0-rpi7-rpi-v8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.1.63-1+rpt1
(2023-11-24) aarch64 GNU/Linux

Yes I'm on Raspberry Debian now but my Devuan system still isn't
working well enough to post here and I ran into this first on my
daedalus system.
visud0 complains that my hostname can't be found via DNS, which I don't
find surprising since I'm a single user system serving no ports. It's
been like that for years and never caused a problem until I installed
Devuan. 'visudo /etc/sudo.conf'  shows a line '# Set probe_interfaces
false' which should tell sudo not to worry whether hostname returns an
FQDN. Unfortunalely, visudo sees that as a syntax error and sudo
ignores that line. If I leave the line uncommented sudo still
complains if mike takes eth0 up or down. I just checked and the same
thing happens on this system. Both are Debian based systems and I'm
wondering if anyone here can say if the problem comes from Debian or
Thanks for listening.

Be well,
Remember, success is ninety-nine percent the refusal to accept failure.
    - Charles Sheffield, _The_Cyborg_From_Earth_

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