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Re: The current package wpasupplicant doesn't support WPA3-Personal authentication. What alternatives to it exist?

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 07:13:01AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:


> Then "fail" seems to be the appropriate word.


> If all else fails, read the words in front of you.

Folks, please, no need to be snarky.

Everyone of us overlooks something at times; something obvious to
someone may escape someone else and vice versa [0].

In this case it's honestly difficult to thoroughly understand those
marketing monikers which encompas a thicket of encryption primitives,
key lengths, key exchange protocols, key management strategies, authen
protocols and the whole sh*t pie up to the top.

I don't, and I admit it.

Here's one link to the source (which I found in Debian's package page
which seems to suggest that they actually "do" WPA3 [1]. The next step
would be to find out what "to do WPA3" actually means, since there
will be probably lots of things which are optional and both parties
have to negotiate, and there's possibly a policy part where one party
can say "ah, no, if you can't do thingmajig-2 with at least 193 bits
I'm out" or something.

The next step would be to contact their mailing list and ask.


[0] And yes, please, remind me if I fail this standard,
   which I'm sure I do at times.

[1] https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/


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