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Re: URLs in Mutt

On 31 Dec 2023 22:51 -0500, from paulf@quillandmouse.com (Paul M Foster):
> As a solution, I took that email from my mutt mail file and stripped out
> all the headers and non-HTML content. Then I fed that to my browser. Sorta
> worked. However, the button I was supposed to click didn't work properly.
> It attempted to retrieve a page it couldn't find. Digging deeper, I looked
> into the actual HTML file. Apparently, something was wrapping lines to
> about 75 characters, and putting an equals sign at the end of every line
> which had been wrapped. This apparently interfered with the browser
> correctly interpreting the HTML.

Install the urlview package, and then pass the mail text/html part to
urlview. (I think it'll accept a simple pipe input.) See urlview(1)
for details.

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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