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Re: ntpsec as server questions

On Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 06:16:42PM -0500, Pocket wrote:
> On 12/6/23 15:28, David Wright wrote:
> > Likely none for times present and future, unless Eric Adams should
> > pass a timezone bill [...]

> Which BTW this whole discussion about timezones is just water over the dam.

But still interesting and very much on-topic, because it invites us all to
question our incomplete and naive knowledge.

> The system should be set to UTC, the "timezone" issue is really just a
> "human" issue as the UTC clock is always correct

If we are picking nits, the system is set to UTX (aka "Unix time"), which
is, in itself, difficult to grasp and very near (but not equal) to UTC [1].

The closer you look the messier it gets. UTC, TAI, UT0, UT1... oh, my [2].


[1] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/283164/unix-seconds-tai-si-seconds-leap-seconds-and-real-world-code
[2] http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/comp/time.html


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