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Re: Telnet

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023, 2:23 AM Nicolas George <george@nsup.org> wrote:
Charles Curley (12023-12-03):
> True. None the less, there is at least one perfectly good use for
> telnet: testing connections to servers.

Wrong. The telnet client is not entirely transparent, as the telnet
protocol defines an escape octet to introduce commands.

The show-stopper early-internet issue was that the protocol did not hash, encrypt or secure the exchange of credentials at session start time.

If you want to test a network protocol, you should use a really
transparent client. Traditionally people use netcat (nc), but it handles
EOF approximatively.

There's a little chunk of perl in the Camel book that does what you want on any port you want. In the 2nd edition it's pg. 349-351.

For that use, I strongly recommend socat.


  Nicolas George

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