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Re: bookworm and network connections

Michael Kjörling wrote on 9/2/23 03:23:

You might want to poke around a little among the files in
/etc/NetworkManager, particularly /e/NM/system-connections. That's
what NetworkManager _should_ be using to set up the interfaces. See if
there's something there to explain the two seemingly being intertwined.

You might already have done this, of course, and if so, I apologize
for pointing out something you've already tried.

I hadn't before but I went and looked carefully this morning. Since I am running ZFS, I can go back and look at those files before the upgrade and see what, if anything has changed.

The only change was that there is now an "ntpsec" file in /e/NM/dispatcher.d. Nothing changed anywhere else in or under /e/NM.

But see a long posting that I'm about to make about all this, with a subject line containing the word "WORKAROUND".


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