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Re: Happy 30 Years Debian Project

Happy anniversary indeed.

30 years for anything is a significant milestone particularly an all, or
nearly all, volunteer project that doesn't have a single person who is
the benevolent dictator for life but instead has had a number of elected
project leaders over that time.  This is very much an accomplishment and
all involved may take a well deserved bow.

My personal foray into Debian began 24 years ago next month, as I
recall.  I installed Slink from a pile of floppies onto a castoff IBM
Thinkpad 760ED.  Most everything worked except for the internal modem
and sound as both were tied to a proprietary DSP that never had support
added to the kernel.  In January 2000 I replaced the by that time
obsolete libc5 based Slackware '96 installation on my desktop and was
running the soon to be stable Potato in short order.

I wish I could say that those original installations had been upgraded
and migrated uninterrupted over the intervening years but I did distro
hopping yet always came back to Debian and also bumped up to amd64 along
the way.

Here's to many more anniversaries.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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