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Re: Mailing list unsubscription requests and identificatio

On 12 Aug 2023 04:39, gene heskett wrote:
On 8/11/23 21:10, Larry Martell wrote:
Larry, whom I've known for 20 years, is only echoing.
      Are you really an engineer ?!

No, I am not an EE, but I am a Certified Electronics Technician, a much rarer breed of cat than your run of the mill EE.  We teach EE's how to get their hands dirty in the real world. Teaching them things their tenured by mistake prof's didn't.

Ok, so you should follow specs and best practices, right ?

Who is a random person to you? You’re new to this list, so you have no clue who is who here.

Thanks Larry. Take care & stay well, both of you.

The list is public since the start.

But I admit my post was misleading, lacking some transition between my objections to Gene and the remainder.

Gene is far from the random people I ranted about, and it doesn't take long to know he's rather a top poster, respectful and polite.

Gene, if you took it personnaly, I sincerely apologize.
That was really NOT my intent.

zithro / Cyril

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