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Re: Raspbian: After update from buster to bookworm, X11Forwarding in ssh connection stopped working

Hi Bernd

B.M. wrote:
I just dist-upgraded my Raspberry Pi from buster to bookworm, and while

This might very well be the reason for your problems. You should never skip a release, bullseye in this case. Upgrading directly from oldoldstable to stable will get you unpredictable results.

BTW, Raspian is slightly offtopic here, they have some own packages and different configurations than pure Debian.

I would recommend you to do a fresh installation and give Debian a chance. https://wiki.debian.org/RaspberryPi and https://raspi.debian.net/ are good starting points. There is also an IRC support channel: #debian-raspberrypi on OFTC.


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