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Re: Bookworm - cron?

On 5 Aug 2023 22:13 +0200, from johndoe65534@mail.com (john doe):
>> But cron isn't installed.
> I just install a new Bookworm VM and 'cron' is present! :)

Ditto. That must be some customization your VPS provider has made, if
the installation didn't somehow fail.

I did an installation based on my preseed file at [1] with 12.0
upgraded to latest, and after installation, `dpkg -l '*cron*'` shows
the "cron" package as installed on the VM, and `apt-cache show cron`
shows it as having "Priority: important". That one is fairly
minimalistic and only installs the "standard" and "ssh-server" tasks.

>> What am I expected to use instead?

I guess you could use systemd timers, if that installation is set up
with systemd.

Or you could ask your VPS provider why they aren't providing
"important" packages in their default image.

 [1] https://michael.kjorling.se/debian-12-bookworm-preseed/

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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