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Re: Wireless temperature & humidity measurement

On 14/7/23 15:27, Bruno Kleinert wrote:
Do you have any hardware recommendations and can you share experience?

The big problem is power at the collection point. Some people use a solar panel and batteries but other options are available

Once you know your power budget you can use a variety of low cost hardware such as Arduino or Nano Pi at the data collection point. There are many sensors available using low complexity connections such as I2C and One-Wire.

For communications you can be really fancy and use full WiFi or you can use a variety of point to point connections such as zigbee

So work out how much power you have and then choose the technology. Most likely it will be arduino, I2C for a combined temperature humidity sensor such as DHT22 AM2302 DHT11/DHT12 AM2320, and matching zigbee modules.

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