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Re: Network setup on Raspberry Pi

On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 6:22 PM Michael Jinks <michael.jinks@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a Pi 4 machine where I've installed two OS's, the "house supplied", and Ubuntu, both worked fine so I'm sure the hardware is good.  Now I'd like to install Debian.

I've found one very slim image of that, which ran without issue, but left nothing in the way of a network.  So now I'm trying to set that up from scratch.  All I have is WiFi.

I have a file installed under '/etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0, full contents:

  auto lo
    iface lo inet loopback
  auto wlan0
    wpa-ssid "[my network's name]"
    wpa-spk "...and its password..."

Shouldn't this command be wpa-psk Pre-Shared Key.

It seems that this isn't being addressed at all.  If I reboot, or if I call:

  $ ip addr

...the wlan0 device comes up with no sign of any settings being set for that device.

I've tried various things; it's possible that something I've done is now getting in the way.  For example,

  $ ps auxwwf | grep wfa_supplicant

...finds two processes running, with different configurations:

  ... -u -s -O DIR=/DIR=/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  ... -s -B -P /dev/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.pid -i wlan0 -D nl80211,waxt -C /run/wpa_supplicant

They're not being registered as one calling the other, but maybe that's normal?

Not helping: while I have other host instances of Debian at al., they all have NetworkManager running, so, details are different, so I don't have anything nearby to look at for clues.

I've been reading around the net, currently I'm at:

...I'm not finding any clues there.  Hints?

Thanks.  Ergh.

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