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Re: Riddling over systemctl, pulseaudio, firefox-esr, and salsa.debian.org


tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> Perhaps the browser is trying to do some kind of notification via
> audio?
> There are some "notification" entries in about:config worth
> investigating.

None of them looks to me like being related to audio.
There would be many combinations of on-off. So i did not play with them
but rather went on to notifications and loudspeaker test.

> And indeed, the one browser instance (I keep most of them to
> separate profiles, this one is dedicated to one of those jarring
> corporate chat apps) making the noises does show having received
> notification requests from the web site I expected (this is
> somewhere in about:preferences#privacy, under "Permissions").

There are three web sites listed in "settings - Notification Permissions"
Two are "Allow" one is "Block". None of them was involved in my
experiments. I removed them all.
But the page
(linked by "learn more" in the setings page) says
  While Firefox is open, websites which have been granted permission can
  send notifications to your browser, which displays them on the screen.
Sound is not mentioned.

I dug out a pair of loudspeakers and attached it to the "Line Out" socket
at the mainboard backplane (lime color, matches color of plug and
description of the mainboard).
Then i hopped around between the browser tabs until pulseaudio showed
activity in top(1) (again on a Gitlab site).
Nothing is to hear.

Google found me a hopefully harmless site to test the speakers
Clicking on its "<" and ">" buttons indeed plays a beep-bup-boop sound.

When rebooting after this adventure i saw a delay of 1:30 minutes at
  "A stop job is running Make remote CUPS printer available locally"
(Copied to paper and toggled into this mail. Possibly not 100% exact.)
This happened only once. Further reboots went swiftly.

Frustrated i disabled pulseaudio globally again und put the speakers back
into their dungeon.

Have a nice day :)


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