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Re: Cloning a disk: partclone?

On Fri, 2023-01-20 at 14:56 +0200, Anssi Saari wrote:
> Tixy <tixy@yxit.co.uk> writes:
> > Surely it's also straightforward to just copy the data in the partition
> > then resize the filesystem...
> > 
> >  cp /dev/sdX1 /dev/sdY1
> >  resize2fs /dev/sdY1
> Sure. Partclone, since the OP asked about that, can speed this up for a
> partition since it's smart enough to not copy parts of the partition
> that aren't in use.

Which apart from speed would probably be good if the target is an SSD,
as the disk does have to allocate flash memory for that unused data.
(I'm thinking of the discussion about SSDs we had here a few weeks


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