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Setting up bindfs mount in LXC container

Hi all,

I'm using bindfs in my web LXC containers to allow particular users to write to their site docroot as the correct user.

Getting this to work has been really hacky, and while it does seem to work, I get log messages saying it didn't ...

In /var/lib/lxc/<containername>/config:
lxc.hook.start-host = /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook:
at now + 1 minute <<END 2>>/var/log/lxc/${LXC_NAME}-hook-error.log

In /usr/local/bin/fuse.hook.s2:
lxc-device -n ${LXC_NAME} add /dev/fuse
lxc-attach -n ${LXC_NAME} /usr/local/bin/bindfs_mount

In /usr/local/bin/bindfs_mount (in the container):
while read line; do
  mount "${line}"
done < "${file}"

In /usr/local/etc/bindfs_mounts (in the container):

In /etc/fstab (in the container) (single line wrapped by MUA):
/srv/<sitename>/doc_root /home/richard/<sitename>/doc_root fuse.bindfs noauto,--force-user=richard,--force-group=richard,--create-for-user=<sitename>,--create-for-group=<sitename> 0 0

I'm sure shell experts (or LXC experts) will tell me this 2-stage process is unnecessary, or that there is a better way to do it, but IIRC it doesn't work if lxc is waiting for the hook to finish; other stuff needs to happen before the device creation works.

At boot, however, I get these messages emailed from the at job (3 lines, wrapped by MUA):
lxc-device: <containername>: commands.c: lxc_cmd_add_bpf_device_cgroup: 1185 Message too long - Failed to add new bpf device cgroup rule lxc-device: <containername>: lxccontainer.c: add_remove_device_node: 4657 set_cgroup_item failed while adding the device node lxc-device: <containername>: tools/lxc_device.c: main: 153 Failed to add /dev/fuse to <containername>

The device file is created correctly, and the mount work.

Oh - and interestingly, this only seems to happen when the host boots. If I just reboot (or shutdown and start) the container, it works fine.

It doesn't matter if I increase the delay on the at job.

If I don't use the at job, but run those commands manually after boot, it works fine with no error messages.

Any hints?

I suspect my limited understanding of cgroups is contributing to my problems ...


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