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Re: need kino. or a substitute that can work with a sony hi-8metal720 by handicam.

On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 06:45:15PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> fw0 is probably the card itself, fw0 is still there if the camera is
> unplugged. And has been there since 12/23/22 when I last rebooted. I have to
> plug it into the camera AND turn it on to get fw1.  Owned by root:video, and
> there is no user "video" in /etc/group or /etc/passwd. WT ????

There should be a group named video in /etc/group.  This is a standard
Debian group name, placed there during installation.  It originates in
the /usr/share/base-passwd/group.master file, and is copied to /etc/group
by the base-passwd.postinst script, if the /etc/group file is not
already present.

During a standard installation, the "initial user" (the one created during
installation, with UID 1000) gets added to this group.

unicorn:~$ grep video /etc/group

Perhaps you're looking at one of your non-Debian systems, in which case
the groups may be different.

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