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Re: X11 and hot-plugged keyboards and multiple layouts

Nicolas George <george@nsup.org> writes:

> Nicolas George (12020-02-19):
>> ----8<----8<----8<----8<---- xi2watch.c ---->8---->8---->8---->8----
> Hi.
> I am replying to my own mail of three years ago where I explained how to
> configure X11 to set different layouts on different keyboards and handle
> hot-plugging without root privileges. Since a standard tool did not
> exist yet, I had attached a small program of mine to do it.

Wow. It's exactly what I need since I've started to use a USB switch in
my home office. Assuming it works for me of course. I've thought about
writing a udev rule but haven't gotten around to it.

I've tried to run xmodmap after the keyboard is hot plugged (via telling
the USB switch to switch) but it's like the xmodmap doesn't take even
after I added a delay. Although it seems it worked sometimes. Maybe the
issue is I've tried to run xmodmap from the other computer over ssh, I
don't know.

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