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Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of Open Source Software (Was Re: Package grub-xen-host breaks PV domains with 11.5 point release)

Stefan wrote:
In article <[🔎] jwvpmfz3tu1.fsf-monnier+gmane.linux.debian.user@gnu.org> you write:
>> the interest of the user. These "volunteers" obviously have other,
>> possibly malicious, interests if they prove themselves unwilling to
>> apply fixes to bugs that are reported to them.
>I think there's a confusion here: these volunteers will also have
>"other, possibly malicious, interests" even if they are willing/eager
>to apply fixes to bugs that are reported to them.
>Same goes for people you pay, so it's not specific to volunteers.
>And of course it's also not specific to a particular kind of license.

Thanks Stefan, it's great to see that some people understand the

I'll be brutally honest: being accused of "possibly malicious"
unwilligness is *not* a great way to convince overstretched volunteers
to spend their time on issues.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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