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Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of Open Source Software (Was Re: Package grub-xen-host breaks PV domains with 11.5 point release)

> On 9/13/2022 3:59 PM, err404@free.fr wrote:
> > Please STOP!
> >
> > you are annoying, and if you want improve free softwares, is not
> > like this. you will better contribute with your code or with your
> > translations than by writing to this mailing-list  

I agree with the sentiments of annoyance and that this thread should
stop now, please.

> The problem is, with all due respect, that I do have my code
> improvements for free software, but some free software people do not
> want to accept my contributions but instead want to allow the free
> software to continue to have the bugs, and they will not explain
> themselves either. Why should I waste my time contributing to
> software projects who do not want my contributions? Treating people
> who want to contribute this way is not the way to gain more advocates
> for free software!

But again you have been asked before to be specific about your
objections, so a link to your proposed code improvements and whatever
conversation there was when you submitted them would go some way to
justifying the space and time you have already wasted on this list.

> > I want you kicked from this list.  
> Well, if you get me kicked off, I will be kicked off. But that is not
> the way to build a community of people trying to make good software.
> That is all I am advocating for, and I am really surprised to be
> treated this way on this list for advocating for improved software in
> Debian. I guess the trolls on here do not really want to increase the
> number of people working on improving Debian. But without more
> people, Debian cannot possibly provide quality support for 59,000
> free software packages. That is just a fact, even it no one here
> wants to acknowledge it.

I haven't seen much evidence of trolls here, apart from yourself.
Again, specifics help if you wish to make such claims, rather than
general assertions.

> Best regards,
> Chuck

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