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Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of Open Source Software (Was Re: Package grub-xen-host breaks PV domains with 11.5 point release)

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022 at 11:27:43AM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
On 9/13/2022 12:36 AM, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 03:32:27PM -0400, Michael Stone wrote:

> [...] "I can't get personalized/dedicated support with enforceable
> SLAs for free"

If the requirement that maintainers and developers of free/oss software must actually
fix the bugs reported to them is not enforced, then free/oss software *is* vulnerable to
all kinds of malicious activity by the "volunteers" who create the free/oss software.

Enforced by whom? How? You do realize that nobody enforces that on proprietary software either, right? THIS IS NOT A CHARACTERISTIC THAT DISTINGUISHES OPEN SOURCE AND CLOSED SOURCE SOFTWARE. Given that, continuing this discussion seems silly. (Especially since it appears that you'll simply to repeat your original assertion, mistaken though it is, without even trying to address to the points that others have made.)

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