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Re: PXE booting EFI client

On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 07:21:59PM +0200, john doe wrote:
> Debians,
> I'm trying to pxe boot a client with UEFI BIOS to no avail.
> Everything works with legacy BIOS but if I use those two lines in my
> dnsmasq.conf:
> "dhcp-boot=bootnetx64.efi
> pxe-service=X86-64_EFI, "Boot UEFI PXE-64", bootnetx64.efi"

Maybe you've a host which sents as architecture "00007" instead of
"00009" via DHCP and this pxe-service is not matched at all. You
can figure that out if you look with wireshark at the DHCP traffic.
According to my notes the protocol option field is 93 you've to look at.
I ran into such an issue a few years back with HPE DL360G10 vs DL120G9.

Config setting to try out would be:
pxe-service=BC_EFI, "Boot UEFI PXE-64", bootnetx64.efi"


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