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Re: got a mdadm puzzler

On Sunday, 13 March 2022 15:02:15 EDT Andy Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 01:06:39PM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
> > On Saturday, 12 March 2022 08:50:07 EST Andy Smith wrote:
> > > I think it still might be worth changing the cable and/or moving
> > > the
> > > drive about to see if the error follows the drive or stays with the
> > > port.
> […]
> > Difficult at best. All 4 drives from the same purchase, mounted 2 to
> > the 3.5" adapter, and all 4 shoved into a front panel-less drive
> > cage below the floppy slot in a huge tower case about 17 yo. Rather
> > than blame data cables, I'd start by changing out the power splitter
> > cables, this psu doesn't have near enough sata power plugs for 7
> > drives, only 1 of which is spinning rust.

And that one quit answering the phone fron smartctl yesterday afternoon. 
That was my backup src. So that cable will be hooked to a 1T SSD yet 
today which will be formatted and /home copied to it as that is a huge 
majority of what I need for a backup.  Thats next on the agenda before I 
do anything else. If I casn get a sata power cable out, that might get 
done w/o a powerdown since that seems to be the reinstall generator. 
Got that done, hooked a fresh data cable up to /dev/sdc's socket on the 
mobo, then carefully inserted the power plug, and /dev/sdc just reported 
a temp change from smartctl's scan.

But while I was doing that, I wrote a copy of LinuxCNC's latest buster 
install iso to a key, so if I can get it to boot from a key, I'll have a 
buster install ready to go.

The raid10 is sde-f-g-h, and this drive I must have had it the raid 
before , and is now showing up at /dev/sdd. and on further checking, I've 
rebooted since disconnecting /dev/sdc, and udev has helpfully reset the 
drives on damned letter down, to d-e-f-g. grrrrrrrrr. But where the hell 
is it, the drive I just hooked up is marked as an EVO-870 but /dev/sdc is 
an EVO-860 & 500gigs. /dev/sdb is a 240G ADATA 650, and /dev/sdc is 
reporting its a EVO-860 of 500G. Obviously fdisk is getting bogus data 
from some place. You'd better hope I can reboot.  But first clean up /
dev/sdb and reformat & copy /home to it so I might stand a chance of 
recovering my work.

Have fun Charles cuz I sure as heck am not.

> I don't think you need to replace every cable (power and data) at
> once. If you locate which drive is on ata6 now, and move it to
> another port, then whether the error follows the drive or stays with
> the port will provide useful information.

Its in a card cage with a big fan in front and the psu blocking the rear, 
It will be a powerdown to do that. But I don't have much hope, the cable 
I unplugged to get it off the bus was plugged in correctly. If I can get 
the power cable unplugged, then its drawer can be removed from the front.

> Just try to only change one thing at a time so if symptoms do change
> then you can tell what you did to provoke that.

That would be nice,  if the change was easy to do insitu. Its not. 
> Cheers,
> Andy
> --
> https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
> .

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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