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Re: Wayland vs X

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 07:29:19AM +0100, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> With X, the window manager is the one implementing window decorations
> (this isn't in the protocol, but it is a strong convention applications
> had to follow in practice).

Except for when Google Chrome decided to implement its own window
decorations, which were of course completely foreign compared to
the rest of the toplevel windows on my display.

Fortunately, they decided to revert that decision, and today you can
configure Google Chrome to look and act like a normal window.

> I don't look forward to the day where the browser gives some random
> javascript advertisment control over its absolute position on my
> screen [...]

Are you kidding?  Javascript could do this *ages* ago.

I wrote a series of little pages that showed how insidiously evil
Javascript actually is (or was):


Some of them still work.  Some do not, as current browser versions have
tightened up their settings and no longer give Javascript quite as much
freedom as they originally did.

> or over its window decorations.

I wouldn't know anything about that in particular.

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