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Re: First time WINE user looking for tutorial

On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 09:40:21 -0500
Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:

> I just installed WINE64 on a Bullseye system. I'm looking for a basic 
> tutorial. Got no promising hits from DuckDuckGo or Google. I did some 
> unproductive roaming of https://www.winehq.org/ .

Really? "No promising hits?" I did an "install set up wine" DuckDuckGo
search and got numerous useful hits.  Of course, if you're looking for
a Bullseye specific tutorial, I doubt if you' find one -- too new.

Maybe, these will help:


Just be forewarned, WINE is not the catchall solution to running
Windows apps: The more involved codewise the program is like games or
Photoshop, the more problems you'll have. In those cases, just run
Windows in a virtual machine which is what I do for ALL Windows apps I
need. Less or virtually no gotchas!

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