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Re: unhappy upgrade

On 10/3/21 09:21, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
On Saturday 02 October 2021 02:33:24 pm David Christensen wrote:
On 10/2/21 08:57, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
In recent messaging here I touched on how I'd determined that my workstation was way behind being current.  Apparently I needed to go 8->9->10->11.  I tried the first of those steps,  and things did not go well in a number of ways...

Backup your system configuration settings and data, remove the system
disk, insert a blank, small, fast system disk for the OS, do a fresh
install of the OS of your choosing, configure as desired, add blank, big
RAID for data, and restore data.


My current hardware purchasing budget is currently completely dedicated to buying stuff that I need to replace thanks to a nearby lightning strike.  Next up is getting my laser printer working again.  More and better hard drives will have to wait,  unfortunately...

Okay.  Then use what you have.  The main points are:

1.  The OS should be on a disk by itself.

2. A fresh install requires less knowledge and skill, takes a predictable amount of time, and has the highest probability of producing a good result on x64_64 PC's and servers manufactured over the past decade or more.


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