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Re: Can not delete file with correct permissions


but when you are correct, why is it working on another computer wwith exactly 
the same permissions set? On that other computer it is working well, and I can 
not see a difference between both.



> > ls -la /var/mail
> > insgesamt 384
> > drwxrwsr-x  2 root     mail   4096  6. Mai 17:02 *.*
>           ^
>           This is it
> > drwxr-xr-x 13 root     root   4096  6. Mai 16:17 *..*
> > -rw-rw----  1 testuser mail 382182  6. Mai 17:02 testuser
> As testuser you don't have write permission to /var/mail. To remove
> a file from that directory (i.e. /var/mail/ullhan63), you would need
> to change (i.e. write to) the directory.
> You can, as testuser write to the file /var/mail/ullhan63, but you
> can't remove it.
> You could make it empty by
>   echo -n '' > /var/mail/ullhan63
> or some moral equivalent.
> Cheers
>  - t

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