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Re: Battery drain with poweroff

Alexander V. Makartsev (12021-02-08):
> Probably something to do with USB-Charger feature.
> Acer got a BIOS update 1.09 [1] that claims to fix similar issue.
> I don't know what is your model exactly, so look up BIOS update for your
> laptop using SNID code.
> [1] https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/8273?b=1

Thanks, I never think of BIOS updates. This is the one for my exact
model, and the title looks very promising.

Now I need a way to apply it; apparently I need some way to boot
Windows. I hope I will not need to overwrite the complete drive with the
backup image I made.


  Nicolas George

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