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Re: problem with nvidia on debian buster

On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 18:05:01 +0100
Vinko Tosevski <vinko.tosevski@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Vinko,

>Thanks for the quick reply, this is my first experience with the

You're welcome.  Glad your experience thus far is positive.

>I am not skilled when it comes to building drivers, can you tell me
>what to do to make sure I have everything it takes for this to work? It

It's been quite some time since I needed to install nVidia drivers (not
using nVidia GFX currently) and, unfortunately, I made no notes so
advice I give is from memory.

When you installed the nvidia-drivers package, it will have pulled in
many dependencies (dkms, and a whole load of other stuff).  What it
*doesn't* pull in is linux-headers-{your-arch}, so you will have to
install that, too.  I'm guessing that it'll be the amd64 package.

>problem, it happened after a kernel upgrade. Back then I could fix it
>by reinstalling, which is not the case now, though.

I was lucky, and nothing ever broke badly here.  I just had to install
a legacy driver when support for my GFX card was removed from the latest
drivers.  All on a previous machine, no longer in my possession.   :-(

I note from your original post that you made mention of the 
nvidia-persistenced service.  Last time I used the nvidia drivers, that
wasn't around, so I can't offer any help there - except to say that,
once you install the Linux headers, and (re)build the drivers, you make
more progress.

Hopefully, somebody with more recent experience of nvidia will be along
to offer their assistance, because I'm rapidly reaching the end of my
knowledge on the subject.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Problem - Sex Pistols

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