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Re: Homebuilt NAS Advice

> 	Oh, for goodness sake!  The BPi uses less than 1 ampere at 5V.
> 	That is under 5W, or 120 watt-hours per day.  In a year, it will use
> 	less than 40 KWH.  At $0.12 per KWH, that is $5 or less, for full
> 	year in operation.  The external enclosure will no doubt use more,
> 	although if it hosts SSDs, then perhaps not.  Is $10 or $15 a year
> 	 really a large burden for you?

The question is not whether I can but whether I should.

>> I've had to deal with 2 failed drives over my lifetime so far ;-)
> 	You must be quite young or else not do much computing.

I don't do much computing, I guess (but I'm a CS professor and a Free
Software developer in my spare time, so I do use computers for most of
my waking life).

> 	Three to 4 drives a month is about average, for me.

I have a total of 9 drives currently "in use" (i.e. which I'd have to
replace if they were to die).  I suspect you have many more.


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