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Re: Bug with soft raid?

Feb 12, 2019, 12:08 PM by dlist@bluewin.ch:

> Hi There,
> Here is what I get on my up to date stretch box:
> Feb 10 12:19:12 box kernel: [ 7734.562060] INFO: task md0_raid1:461 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> [...]
> Feb 10 12:19:12 box kernel: [ 7734.562192] INFO: task md1_raid1:468 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> [...]
> Feb 10 12:19:12 box kernel: [ 7734.562366] INFO: task fetchmail:3277 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> and so one.
> The system blocks for about 3 minutes and then I get back a hand on it.

Hi Steve!

I have a similar - maybe the same - problem in buster - see the thread
"Software RAID blocks" on this list about a month ago. Unfortunately
still no solution. :-(

I have the advantage that my system harddisk is outside the RAID on a
separate disk. Therefore I'm still able to send "low level" commands
like smartctl or fdisk to the disks in the array during the block. If
I trigger the right disk the block aborts immediately.

Maybe this works for you, too?
You can try:

for i in /dev/sd{b..f}; do echo "DISK: ${i}"; smartctl -l scterc "${i}"; sleep 3; done


for i in /dev/sd{b..f}; do echo "DISK: ${i}"; fdisk -l "${i}"; sleep 3; done

My RAID disks are sdb, sdc, sdd, sde, sdf. You have to change sd{b..f}
above according to your setup.

I use a 3 second delay between the disk to be able to tell which disk
was responsible for the block.

Hope this helps a little.


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