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Re: systemd+anacron breaks cron jobs?

Rusi Mody <rustompmody@gmail.com> writes:

> On Monday, December 3, 2018 at 1:30:07 PM UTC+5:30, Kamil Jońca wrote:
>> I have in my /etc/cron.daily some local scripts.
>> Some of them can be occassionally time-consuming.
>> Recently I found that some of them did not end.
>> And what I found:
>> 1. as "everybody" knows, in case of anacron presence, system cron jobs
>> are delegated to anacron.
>> 2. recently in Debian we have anacron.timer which also runs "cron.daily"
>>    entry.
>> 3. there is a timeout in systemd services which cause to kill my jobs :(
>> So my question is: is it safe to remove/disable anacron timer?
> Best bet is switch to using systemd timers

Ekhem. My personal cron entries are called regardles I am logged in or
not. How can I achieve this with systemd "user" timers?

Second question: Why systemd kills my jobs? (Yes I know what parameters
are responsible for this, but why they are configured that way?)


The Ancient Doctrine of Mind Over Matter:
	I don't mind... and you don't matter.
		-- As revealed to reporter G. Rivera by Swami Havabanana

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