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Re: No sound after installing debian

On 2018-10-01, <ilovecountrymusic483@gmail.com> <ilovecountrymusic483@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,  I am a blind user of Debian and have made several attempts to
> install Debian both stretch and testing with the same strange problem.  I
> have speech during the install prosses and the system installs with no
> problem.  How ever after booting into the new system the speech is not
> there.  I tried going to alsamixer with root access and razing the sound
> valume with no luck.  This happens both with the alfa and stable installs.
> I tried with both isos installing with a gnome install as well as a mate
> install.  I don't recall ever having this problems with this.  I do not have
> any bare bones system to try with so using a virtual machine.  Any one here
> have any ideas on how to rectify getting speech back aftr installing.  
Some troubleshooting ideas here:


Apparently pulseaudio is a problem and either must be run as root,
removed, or disabled (in the case of Gnome where extirpation is
impossible without taking the kitchen sink, the bath water, and the baby
along with it).

> Thanks again.
> Matthew

"Now she understood that Anna could not have been in lilac, and that her charm
was just that she always stood out against her attire, that her dress could
never be noticeable on her." Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina 

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