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Re: brother printer/scanners

On Mon 02 Jan 2017 at 10:55:06 -0500, Jape Person wrote:

> In the end, voting with my dollars accomplished nothing for the FOSS
> community, because I simply couldn't find a functional equivalent that was
> free all the way. After a while I just got tired of the research and bought
> something that would work.
> My only recourse was to write to both manufacturers to voice my opinion. Fat
> lot of good that will do. But maybe I just like tilting at windmills.

Could be. The license for printer and scanner drivers says you can
modify, alter, translate, reproduce and distribute their software.
Sounds good. Doesn't Debian say that too?

The license also says there is no warranty to the software. They are
not liable for anything. Anything breaks and you get to keep both
pieces. Doesn't Debian say that too?

Furthermore, the license informs anyone who wants the source code for
the drivers to bugger off and not make stupid requests. Debian doesn't
do that.

Brother is a Debian friendly printer driver distributor? Discuss.


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