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Re: can't reboot

On 11/08/2016 02:57 PM, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
I've been hvaving trouble for over a month, I can't boot the same system
I replaced a hardrive because it was suggested the problem was a hard drive,
but now, with a brand spanking new hard drive, any time Ihave to halt
the system and boot it back up.
 end up waiting an hour for the 2TB disk to be fscked, and then get
dumped to a root terminal.
The last time, 17 days ago, I believe, I managed to get the new HDD to
boot after multiple fsckings with gparted from a live disk, which I'm
about to repeat,
so i can get back into the system I've been building, customizing, and
installing all my favourite dev tools and stuff on for almost 3 weeks
Just now, trying to reboot, the only thing that looked amiss before the
fscking and root prompt,
was something about failure to load kernel modules, whereas on prior
attempts, the only errors I could see
were about corrupted file systems, which would explain all the fscking,
The system fscked itself after the module failure notice, too..
I'm hoping some fskcking will get me back up.
But Aiḿ getting real tired of goint through this stuff everytime I need
to reboot.
What happens when there's a power failure? I have to waste half the next
day doing multiple fsckings?
I swear I've never had mor e trouble with Debian than I keep having with
troubles mounting my android phone, trouble with sound suddenly deciding
not to work, and
complete failure to reboot. It's dismaying ,disheartening, and infuriating.
"Stable" used to mean "rock-solid"If I have to reinstall one more time,
I'm likely to install fedora or something.

Happilly, after 3 fsckings 9(and only sacrificing 1 chicken 0 goats), I got her to reboot(and my sound is back on, as already mentioned on that particular thread)

all tony, all the time

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