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Re: Laptop wireless problem - very slight tangent

Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
> [snip]
>  [...] "wlp2s0" on Sid Unstable.
> [...]
> PS enp1s0 is now my other one, as well.

As I recall it ...

 - prefix ("en" | "wl") indicates whether it's [e]ther[n]et or [wl]an.  
 - p# indicates the PCI Bus it's on
 - s# indicates the slot on that PCI Bus

it's all part of the "new" udev/systemd naming, because it's "better"
(IMO, "better" would've been locking the devices as they do, but keeping
eth0 / wlan0 / etc naming conventions).  Thankfully, you can tell udev
to shove off, and keep the names as "eth#" and "wlan#" if you so choose.

|_|O|_| Registered Linux user #585947
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