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Re: Installing jessie on laptop from usb live iso

After rereading the last response i got, i see why their issue is similar, but the solution cant be used here because even if i had wheezy installed before, im past the point where the hdd gets overwritten with random data.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016, Ralph Sanchez <rwsanchez3@gmail.com> wrote:
Update: like i said, i am running from the install from within the Live boot from usb. I configured network, partitioning, etc and got to installing system. Bar is about 95 percent full and says retreiving file 1 of 2 when it switches to a windows saying ::    /media/cdrom/:Please insert the disc labeled: 'Debian GNU/Linux 8 _jessie_-Official Snapshot amd64 LIVE/INSTALL Binary 20160402-2159' in the drive '/media/cdrom/' and press enter.       Wtf.....i dont have a cd drive, my hdd is now wiped and encrypted, and any attempt to say download the net iso or the cd1 kde iso and install it on another usb using the cp debain.iso dev/sbX command recommended in the manual for burning a iso from within linux fails saying i dont have permission for sdX, sdc in this case, although i can save files to it in a normal fashion. What gives here? What can i possibly do short of buying an external reader and locating cds, which isnt going to happen!

On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, Ralph Sanchez <rwsanchez3@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks but no, thats not the issue...i am installing from a live iso image booted from usb, went to the installer in the live boot, got all the way through the overwrite, partitioning and encryption and then got a message telling me to insert such and such debian jessie cd in cdrom

On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, David Wright <deblis@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
On Wed 04 May 2016 at 20:50:32 (-0400), Ralph Sanchez wrote:
> Ok, so i have followed the installation manual to the t so far, and after
> overwritong with random data, confirming the partitions, and installing the
> system, the installer is asking me insert a debian live cd into my cdrom
> that doesnt exist! Whats going on here and what do i do?

Would something along the lines of
help? This is to get it to use the USB stick where it's
trying to use a CDROM (but with the installer rather than
a live CD).

Apologies if that's not your problem.


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