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Re: OpenVPN fails

On 10/5/2015 12:05 PM, Reco wrote:
>> 2. I don't know when 3.2.0-4 was released; I suspect the answer is yes.
>> 3. many reboots; the last one earlier today.
>> I note bug=767836 describes this problem, but appears closed with 3.2.0-4
> It was closed because the problem was not in the kernel in the first
> place. It was closed because (see Message #43) VPS bootloader required
> special trickery on kernel upgrade, and that trickery was not applied.
> A classic local configuration problem (although a weird one). Thanks,
> now I know who's VPS I should never buy :)
> Reco
    It is my understanding that the kernel selection is only on the
DigitalOcean droplets that haven't had the system update or were created
before the change was made. I have 2 Droplets in NYC2 that have this
kernel setting issue but are scheduled for upgrade on 10/15/15 but my
newer instances in NYC3 if you go to the Settings->Kernel like mentioned
it tells you that it is managed in the system not through the control panel.

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