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Re: Extracting directories from an ISO image, command line tool?

On 2015-09-10 at 10:23, Richard Owlett wrote:

> Darac Marjal wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 08:06:36AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>> Environment:
>>> Using dd I have copied physical [NO INTERNET AVAILABLE ;] Debian DVD's to
>>> /media/distributionA resulting in
>>> /media/distributionA/DVD1.iso
>>> /media/distributionA/DVD2.iso
>>> .
>>> .
>>> /media/distributionA/DVDn.iso
>>> Goal:
>>> Extract pool directory (and all of its sub-directories) resulting in
>>> /media/distributionA/poolA/
>>> /media/distributionA/poolA/contrib
>>> /media/distributionA/poolA/main
>>> What commands should I be looking at?
>> You can mount an iso using the "-o loop" option to "mount" (see the man
>> page under "THE LOOP DEVICE"). So, you can say, for example:
>>   mount -o loop /media/distributionA/DVD.iso /mnt
>>   cp /mnt/* /media/deistributionA/poolA/
>> 'umount' won't need any special options to umount that device.
> Will have to check to see if that or orrisox best fits some 
> personal preferences.

'mount -o loop' is in fact what I'd do myself if I were doing this
manually; I'd only fall back to xorriso / orrisox if I needed to script
or otherwise automate the process.

(Automating it using 'mount -o loop' would only work if run as root,
AFAICT, and that's not a good idea for an automated process with
possibly-untrusted input. I wouldn't do it if I had any choice in the

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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