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Re: debian 8

On Sat, 11 Apr 2015 05:01:43 -0400
Gene Heskett <gheskett@wdtv.com> wrote:

> On Saturday 11 April 2015 02:39:47 Petter Adsen wrote:
> > On Fri, 10 Apr 2015 13:46:36 -0400
> >
> > Gene Heskett <gheskett@wdtv.com> wrote:
> > > On Friday 10 April 2015 10:28:36 Curt wrote:
> > > > There is something else to try:
> > > >
> > > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key
> > >
> > > I have occasionally tried that, (when I can remember it) has not
> > > worked yet, for me, even with a wired keyboard.  That is something
> > > that distro compilers building kernels for their disto, seem to
> > > have a delight in disabling/ignoring.
> > >
> > > This particular keyboard has not such a marked key.  White
> > > logitech K360.
> >
> > On most keyboards it is marked "Print Screen", or some shortening
> > thereof. Or do you have a small keyboard without such a key?
> >
> > Petter
> That is an alternate logo resembling Prnt Scr on the home key in some 
> cross of tan & orange, whch when you look appears to be a function of 
> holding down the "FN" key, labeled in that same color between the
> right alt and and right Ctrl keys. Presumably to be used as a shift
> key to bring the orange/brown logos on the other keys into play?

I would think so. Just yesterday I got a new keyboard, a Razer
Blackwidow. While it is a "gaming" keyboard, it is actually very
comfortable. It also has a FN key, which is used as a modifier to
extend the functionality of the function keys. It is presumably the
same on your keyboard.

However, I remember seeing machines (mostly laptops) where the FN key
only worked in Wintendo.

> The FN key on every other keyboard I own is a alternate action switch 
> key, toggling the F# keys in and out of existance, but not on wheezy.
> Or this keyboard. TBD which. "To Be Determined" for those that need
> the acronym lookup wiki.
> Q:Do we have any docs that show how this is supposed to work?
> A:Not that I can find.
> Q:Does wheezy by default install a tool that shows these keys and
> allows the user to remap/unmap a key?
> A:No. I had to find that package using google, then install it.

I did a quick search here, and found this:

Don't get excited, though :) It seems you need a Wintendo tool to
configure them, something called "SetPoint". I do not know whether you
could use that to configure the keys and the settings would be stored
in the actual keyboard, more likely the software stores the settings in
a file and enables them on every boot. But you could always try running
it in Wine and see?

> And when that combo is pressed right now, ksnapshot pops up with a 
> snapshot of the screen about 3 seconds later. So it looks as if that
> bit of magic has been pre-empted for something else on wheezy.  Which
> genius decided that?

I would not think SysRq has been remapped, I would guess that you are
not pressing the correct key combination - look at the Wikipedia page.
From what I remember, it is SysRq + Alt + <key for the function you
want) - + Ctrl if you are in X. In addition to those, you would
probably also need to press the FN key, so that would be a real
exercise in finger dexterity :)

> People blindly reassigning key functions, who haven't a clue even if
> they were free, have already created a key hunt it took me months to
> find by their reassignment of the F10 key, which historically has
> been the quit key for mc.  So that turns quitting mc into a 3 or 4
> clicks of the mouse operation when its been that single keystroke for
> an instant quit since 1997!  Made triply insulting by whoever added
> that damned "are you sure" requestor.  If I didn't want to quit mc,
> then why the heck did I press the F10 key?

Some terminals (I'm looking at you, gnome-terminal!) have F10 mapped to
open the menu, which obviously don't work well with mc, among other
things. It can usually be disabled. In mc, you can press F9, o, o and
you will get a menu where you can configure when mc will ask you for
confirmations. Uncheck "Exit", go back to the "Options" menu and
select "Save setup" - it will not bother you again :)

I grew up with Norton Commander, so mc has always held a special place
in my toolbox :)

> Very good question that... Question of the year maybe.
> Thanks Petter. I seriously doubt any of this rant was caused by you.

I hope not :)

> You have always wanted to help and I appreciate the help you've
> tendered.

Thank you, Gene. I hope you find some of this helpful, too. At least
you can now get rid of that pesky "Are you sure?" box :)

> But as a long time linux user, pushing 18 years now, I feel like the
> "oh look, a pony" crowd has been discharged from the asylum and been
> given free reign over what linux does for key press X.

Thankfully, most software for Linux is configurable, so key-bindings
etc can usually be set to something sane.

> Seriously, there needs to be a published standard for non
> alphanumeric key functions, with a first commandment of "thou shalt
> not reassign these standard keys" displayed in 72 point type at the
> top of the page.


Have a good one,


"I'm ionized"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive."

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