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Re: firefox-37, where to put

On 04/03/2015 10:52 AM, David Wright wrote:
Quoting Gene Heskett (gheskett@wdtv.com):

On Thursday 02 April 2015 19:20:50 Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Thursday 02 April 2015 22:35:29 Gene Heskett wrote:
  /home is just a directory on / here since the broken
installer will not do it any other way.

I know that it has been said before, but there may be people new to
the list reading this.  I used the same "broken" installer, and my
/home is separate from /.


I appreciate that you have done that Lisi, but this hybrid.iso from
linuxcnc.org, downloadable from a link right one on the front page, and
using the wheezy repos for updates, simply cannot be beaten into
submission to do that.

Regardless of the mechinations I have tried, it plain and simply loops
back to the partition drive screen if you do not just let it do what it
wants to do, which is two real partitions, one for /, and one for swap
at 2x the memory it finds in the machine. ANYTHING else you try to do
and it loops back to restart the drive partitioning again. I even tried
to prepartition the drive with other tools, but none of those settups
were recognized by the installers partitioner.  This hybrid install iso,
can also function when written to a usb key, but this now elderly Asus
M2N-SLI Deluxe mobo's latest #1701 bios cannot be booted from usb.

WHAT? Are you telling us that the "Broken Installer" that was the
subject of long discussions from 20th January to 9th February,
the installer that you've been badmouthing on the slightest
provocation ever since, is *not* the Debian installer?

When he mentioned drives in a hot swap cage, isn't that RAID?? Then didn't the installer made the correct call? :/ Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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