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Re: Duel Booting Debian on a Mac

Am 30.01.2015 um 13:36 schrieb José Silva <jsantossilva@hotmail.com>:

> On 30-01-2015 00:57, John Holland wrote:
>> I'm writing this from wheezy on my macbook pro (2011). 


> I'm writing this on my macbook pro (late 2011) with xubuntu 14.04 (I switched from debian, which I used for about 6 years, because I don't like systemd).

Mine is a Mac Air Mid 2013, which has a different chipset and firmware. This makes a lot of difference as this was very new at the time of my trials (Jan 2014).

Of course I found a lot of advice in the Ubuntu lists.

> I have everything working for a month now: suspend, backlight keys, keyboard backlight, sound, …

Everything worked fine but not the energy management and the brightness after resume.

> I did this by reading a lot on the net but unfortunately I lost track of the links. But, if you have trouble finding it, I'm willing to dive in it again because only about a month has past, it's still fresh in my mind.

Google is your friend.

AFAIR I used this one for Ubuntu


with some modifications for Debian (AFAIR wifi worked in Debian).

I also installed the resume-backlight-workaround.

For other MacBooks start here:


Another problem with dual boot on Mac is, that OSX began to store a hidden recovery partition since some version of OSX, which causes additional pain, if you have dual boot installed.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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