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Re: Joey Hess is out?

On Nov 9, 2014 4:46 AM, "Jonathan Dowland" <jmtd@debian.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 05:38:59PM +1100, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> > What part of "we don't want systemd on any of our systems" don't you
> > get?  If we don't want it, we won't be testing it.
> There's still plenty of work to be done testing upgrade paths for sysvinit;
> improving systemd-shim; patching d-i so that you can preseed a systemd-free
> install; no shortage of places to constructively apply yourself.

Right, as well, to be a part of a community means going with the flow when the community heads a certain direction.

Just for the record, I'm split on systemd -I generally like the idea, don't like how its been pushed out, and think there should be non-systemd packages wherever possible.

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