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Re: MP3 player compatible with Debian

On Sat, 4 Oct 2014 15:19:26 +0100
Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> wrote:

> There was a thread about MP3 players a bit back, and one in
> particular found favour.  But my memory, Google-foo, archive-foo have
> all failed me.  Can any kind person remind me/recommend a suitable
> inexpensive MP3 player for me to take on holiday. 
For which value of 'inexpensive'?

> I want to be able to load it easily frorm/with a Debian computer, and
> I don't want to spend exorbitant amounts.  It must remember where it
> got to, and I want to be able to select my track/book/whatever.  The
> very cheap one I was given last year restarted at the beginning every
> time it had been turned off. Much as I liked the first track, I got
> very tired of it.

I don't think you'll get a decent one for less than about £25. My wife
needed to move on from 'cheap' last year, and we settled on one of the
Sandisk Clip series, 4GB plus microSD slot.

Two tips (that probably work for any player): if there is a choice of
USB modes, you want MSC, not MTP. The latter is aimed at Windows Media
Player users and uses auxiliary files. MSC is Mass Storage Class which
treats the player as an external USB drive, which is what you want.

Set the region to Rest Of The World, not Europe, or you won't be able
to hear it. The EU has somewhat restrictive ideas about noise levels.

OK, three tips: make sure the MP3 tags carry artist and album
information, as the player uses these rather than file and directory
names. If the MP3s have come from a non-standard source, they may not
have tags, or not the ones you need.


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