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Re: Handbrake crashing

Le 05.02.2014 13:15, Brad Alexander a écrit :
Has anyone seen this behavior in handbrake? I fired it up on both my
sid workstation and my sid laptop, and as soon as I click the source
and select the cdrom (or sr0 or dvd), it begins scanning the DVD, then the entire app crashes. No errors in the logs, and even when I started
from the command line, there were no error messages. I checked
bugs.d.o, and didn't find anything resembling the bug

The DVD plays back fine in both mplayer and vlc.

Any ideas?

You said that you had no message, even when started in a terminal? Not even "segmentation fault"? That's strange and nobody but the author could help you at this point I guess.

But anyway, you could find more informations by trying to install the dbg package, and to give gdb some work. It could work. Do a check about official dependencies, and verify that they are installed, too. Sometimes Debian's maintainers forgot some (I had the situation sometimes in the past, but in that case you should have a message when you run it from console, except if dev have redirected the output somewhere in the void. Already seen that, too.). You could also try to not use the experimental package ( you're running sid, but this tool seems to be present in testing too. ) for the tool itself and/or it's dependencies.

As a side note, just taking a look to the source code's tree ( I wanted to know the programming language, this kind of information is useful to know if you can debug it yourself without installing anything ), I would personally avoid any project as messy. They simply put all files in the same directory, more or less. In https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/tree/master/gtk/src you can find .c, .h, .png, .ui, .py, .am, .desktop, .xml and maybe more. Plus, it seems that it's still in alpha stage ( considering that there is a switch with only "default" case in function "ghb_compositor_get_property", and the only thing here makes the reader think that it's not implemented, so, part of some alpha source code. Do not expect alpha source code to be bugfree or stable or reliable.) so, you would probably have better chances if you compile it yourself. With last code. Better chances to have problems too, but you choose it, didn't you?

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