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Re: You can have any color you want - as long as it's Gnome?

Le 07.10.2013 15:12, Curt a écrit :
On 2013-10-07, Oliver Fairhall <o.fairhall@iinet.net.au> wrote:

I want a light weight DE, and was thinking to use XFCE (been fine on my other distros). I'm at best an intermediate level with Linux, so will likely struggle with not installing Gnome (really don't want Gnome or KDE).

With the wheezy netinstaller you simply choose 'Advanced Options' on the
first page you're presented with, then 'Alternative desktop
environments," then 'Xfce.' No Gnome.

With this version of the netinstaller at least that's the way it's done:


The problem is that what you describe does not work as expected, according to the OP.

It seem that installing XFCE DE will also install network-manager-gnome, which recommends the gnome desktop. Because recommendations are automatically installed, this will result in having gnome installed, and Oliver wants "light weight DE" and "not installing Gnome".

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