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Re: Debian installer and raid0

I have no other machines than the said two servers. As soon as a machine was dismissed, parts were recovered for the new machines. Does not matter, I'll try. What I was also asking, however, was how to boot to the grub only:

I forgot asking naively how to boot safely to the grub menu.

With both servers, the system boots straightforwardly to the linux prompt, then, if I need the X server and manager, I command "startx" and then "gnome-session"


On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Bob Proulx <bob@proulx.com> wrote:
Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Thanks so much. I am also using raid1 since I met Debian, so many years
> ago. However the poor way I described. I'll do what you suggest as soon
> time permits, although the cables to the HDs in the old server are
> difficultly accessible. And, in the meantime, I would be at a single
> server, insecure as with a bad raid1.

I wasn't suggesting that you hack around on your production server.  I
was suggesting that you create a victim machine for testing on a
workbench that is seperate from your production server.  And this
victim machine does not need to be a rack mount server at all.  An old
deskside machine is perfect.  Something that has two disk drives in it
for testing the RAID1 installation.

Do the test on this testing victim machine separate from your
production machine.  When you have verified how everything works then
do those actions on your production machine.  That way your production
machine is safe from experiments.  And it is much easier to test and
learn and experiment upon a machine that is targeted specifically for
that purpose.

> Failure that I described in adding grub to the other HD was in a single
> trial and now the HDs are different, taken from a dismissed four-sockets
> dual-core AMD server.

The type of disk drive should not matter.


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