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Re: [bulk]: about time with guest debian using vmware


On Sat, 2013-10-05 at 15:15 +0800, 陶治江 wrote:
> I want to ask for help about my debian study environment.
> I am running windows host, and using vmware guest for study.
> The software versions listed below:

> vmware  8.0.4
> linux  debian wheezy 3.2.51

> The gust debian clock runs about 2 time faster than host os,
> and I am trying setup ntp sync every min with host outside, but still
> the time would run ahead about half minutes and forcely pull back.

Maybe the KB article of vmware is helping:

It mentioned a lot of different steps that you could try starting with
additional settings in your config file up to configuration settings
inside the VM.

I hope this helps a little bit.

With kind regards,


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