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Re: Security?

On Fri, 2013-09-13 at 01:48 +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> I wrote:
> > The Internet is new for the human race, we need to educate our children
> > and our children need to educate their children and so on, this will
> > change our societies and make crap, such as the NSA useless and then
> > spying will stopp.
> Thank you for your positivity. This is wonderful! :)

I really believe in this, even if there sometimes are regresses.

> > And if so, do you say there is any difference between "joining" and
> > "infiltrating"??

Yes there is a difference, hard to say if it's needed to infiltrate the
NSA. I guess it would be better not to do the same as the NSA does ;),
because doing the same, it's hard then to argue against such practise.

FWIW, I don't consider this discussion between you and me as a flame

In Germany we've got election campaign now. Some advertise with
catchwords I would use myself when discussing something, but I won't
vote such a party. E.g. to say something negative about migrants in a
discussion is ok to show some problems and after that it's possible to
work on something positive, for a good living with each others. The aim
of a party using the same catchwords isn't to solve issues and to find a
good living with each others, their aim is to cause resentments and that
is idiotic, if not evil. They don't provide peaceful and liberal
solutions that are good for us all, there "solutions" based on "we are
we and they are they" will cause additional issues and won't solve
anything. I prefer an approach that "we and they (the others) all
together are we", not only for migrants and Germans, for everything,
vegetarians and meat eaters, car drivers and walkers etc..

Even for a philosophical discussion there is the need to define
something as an absolute truth for a moment, while in reality there is
no absolute truth, with a few exceptions, e.g. for math.


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