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Re: strange Cups behavior

Hi Brian!

Am 03.09.2013 18:22, schrieb Brian:
On Tue 03 Sep 2013 at 16:23:23 +0200, Frank Weißer wrote:

Am 03.09.2013 14:18, schrieb Brian:

Which appliaction were you printing from? Or, what was the command you

Evince / poppler/cairo (0.18.4)

When testing the operation of a printer with CUPS it is not a bad idea
to use something lower down the chain such as

    lp -d UTAX_TA_CLP_3521_CLP_4521<pdf,text or PS>

if there is a possible question mark over the application sending the

# lpstat -t
scheduler is running
device for UTAX_TA_CLP_3521_CLP_4521: socket://

socket:// is generally reliable.

# lpstat -u frank

No output here ???

It's ok. frank has no print jobs queued.

localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:09:09:14 +0200] "POST
/printers/UTAX_TA_CLP_3521_CLP_4521 HTTP/1.1" 200 84524 Print-Job
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:09:09:17 +0200] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 342
Create-Printer-Subscription successful-ok
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:09:13:39 +0200] "POST /jobs HTTP/1.1" 401
141 Restart-Job successful-ok
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:09:13:41 +0200] "POST /jobs HTTP/1.1" 200
140 Restart-Job successful-ok
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:10:52:11 +0200] "POST
/printers/UTAX_TA_CLP_3521_CLP_4521 HTTP/1.1" 200 298 Create-Job
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:10:52:11 +0200] "POST
/printers/UTAX_TA_CLP_3521_CLP_4521 HTTP/1.1" 200 23803
Send-Document successful-ok
localhost - - [03/Sep/2013:16:09:34 +0200] "GET /admin/log/error_log
HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - -

Looks fine.

I first tried from evince at 9:09, then reprinted from
cups-webinterface/iceweasel at 9:13 and later at 10:52 printed
succesfully another document as frank from libreoffice

Three successful printings, then.

No , the first is the one, who didn't get on paper.

Also, edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, change loglevel to debug, print and
look at /var/log/cups/error_log. You might want to compress it and post
it here for others to examine.

Done, but printing the same .pdf from evince went fine this time and
no error.log in /var/log/cups/. I'll try again tomorrow and let you

No error_log? I've only encountered that by deleting the log just before
printing something. "LogLevel debug" is intended to give copious output
for all print jobs.

Sorry my fault, looked at wrong place. Logfile starts at
[03/Sep/2013:16:16:17 +0200]

The previous log ends [28/Aug/2013:10:36:35 +0200], so the time when the problem happened isn't logged at all :-(

I tried to reproduce the problem this morning, but now printing .pdf from evince as frank worked.

So i think we can close this thread.

Thanks for your help


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